Jumat, 01 Februari 2019

Qadian The Blessing Land - Brotherhood (Chapter 4)

If you ever see the presenter of the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) 3 or MTA 3 Al Arabiya - special MTA channel for the Middle East - who is usually wearing Arabic typical clothes. Or, hear the voice of videos in the official account of MTA in Instagram, youtube, or MTA 3 channel itself, it is Mr. Aiman’s contributions. I met him. He was big, it is usual that Palestine people are bigger than the Indonesian one.

The MTA 3

In our talks, he asked a question that, did I take a covenant of bai’at or had I been Ahmadi since I was born. He was surprised as he knew that I am an
Ahmadi's descendant - it began from my grandfather at 1970s. ‘Cause he took the pledge by himself when he was a college student.

He recalled that he found the truth of Islam ‘cause of watching MTA fortuitously. But actually, it was a bounty of God. He said, he saw a figure full of tranquility. He is the Khalifa of Ahmadiyya. And then, more addition, he got a dream that he was helped by someone. Evidently, he is the Amir - the leader in Ahmadiyya - of Israel.

I just understand what Hz. Masih Mau’ud explained in the book Haqiqatul Wahy that rukya can even be given to someone who is yet far from faith. It’s that Allah Almighty is opening a door of opportunity for people to go ahead through the true path. And he took the door, then he learned Ahmadiyya, finally, he took a covenant in the hand of Khalifa.

I just knew that Ahmadi of Israel and Palestine is one. I can’t imagine that in countries with full of conflict, there is still unity. What being the reasons is one brotherhood, vision, love and spirit that fill their heart. No prominence or hatred among them. What a blessing bounty of God!

It’s so interesting, stories - experience actually - they told in seeking the truth, and listening directly from a long-time-no-see brother, even we just met for the first time. He made for me a glass of tea and some curry taste biscuit.

I also met with Arabic Desk London Markazi Muballigh. Commanding aura was shined by him. In jalsa days, I don’t know why, I certainly see him, I remembered, his face was unique. He was also given an opportunity to deliver an Arabic translation on the podium of jalsa.

At the first met, he greeted people, new-coming people, walking people, etc. ‘Till eventually, I realized that he spoke in several languages. I even began to conclude, every London Markazi Muballigh has a minimum standard, that’s mastering 3 languages: English, Arabic, and Urdu. Extraordinary! In that night, I told him how my grandfather found the truth of Islam.

Tossi, he is also one of proof how the brotherhood in the Jamaat become a large typical power. His friendliness, servings, and treatment to the guest of jalsa, including me when I met in front of roti producer, is just like a close brother who is a long time no see. Whereas we just met for the first time that day. I, unfortunately, only met him twice, and for the ending, he gave wall-nuts he just bought at the market.

End of jalsa, is the exact moment to enshrine our pictures. Many of participants hurried up to get close to the podium, so did I. Several of my pics contained me with my fellows of Indonesia. I couldn’t miss taking pics of the togetherness with brothers from all over the world, among them there were Indian, Pakistani, South African, American, and so on. Yes, it was African, it seemed obvious to recognize African people there. They were full of spirit, brave, loudly speak, moreover when they shouted “narae takbir! Allah(u)-Akbar”, or, when they sang the poetry, Laa ilaaha illallah(u) Muhammad(ur)Rasulullah.

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