Thursday, May 2, 2019

Kuantum - Keterbatasan Manusia

Manusia semakin berkembang. Saat ini ia semakin bisa mengakui, menguasai, dan memahami alam. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan kemampuannya memprediksi berbagai hal terkait alam serta memanfaatkan apa yang ada menjadi suatu teknologi yang saat ini sangat pesat perkembangannya. Apabila kita menggunakan Hukum Moore, yakni sebuah pengamatan bahwa jumlah transistor pada sirkuit terpadu (integrated circuit, IC) berlipat dua kali setiap dua tahun, sebagai pendekatan empiris, maka diperoleh bahwa saat ini dunia mengalami peningkatan secara eksponensial dalam aspek perkembangan teknologi sejak 1965.

Sumber :

Apa yang ditemukan manusia tentang alam? Fisikawan menganggap bahwa alam ini diciptakan mengikuti pola-pola

Friday, February 8, 2019

Qadian The Blessing Land - The Days (Chapter 5)

The day was coming. The day when our purpose for coming here would be fulfilled. The day when the oldest historical event was held again. That was the day of the 124th Jalsa Salana Qadian. About 19 thousand people around the world gathered to listen to spiritual lectures and seek blessings.

That morning at 9 a.m. people walked passing through the thick haze toward a vast grassland that had been built a podium of jalsa, rolled out carpets, installed chairs, and other attributes that were support for the jalsa. The visibility was about 5 ‘till 10 meters I assumed. The air was still cold, I saw my smartphone showed me off number 7 in Celsius

Friday, February 1, 2019

Qadian The Blessing Land - Brotherhood (Chapter 4)

If you ever see the presenter of the MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya) 3 or MTA 3 Al Arabiya - special MTA channel for the Middle East - who is usually wearing Arabic typical clothes. Or, hear the voice of videos in the official account of MTA in Instagram, youtube, or MTA 3 channel itself, it is Mr. Aiman’s contributions. I met him. He was big, it is usual that Palestine people are bigger than the Indonesian one.

The MTA 3

In our talks, he asked a question that, did I take a covenant of bai’at or had I been Ahmadi since I was born. He was surprised as he knew that I am an

Monday, January 28, 2019

Qadian The Blessing Land - The Boiling Sound (Chapter 3)

I woke up at 02.30 a.m. that morning. Releasing from the double blankets I used. The cold air pierced deep into my bones. It seemed like it was the coldest peak of my days in Qadian. I, with several fellows, went out toward the Mubarak Mosque, the Baituz-Dzikr.

The sky was still dark, no one along the street, quiet, there were only security officers gathering around a bonfire. In Baituz-Dzikr, I came to perform prayer in the Baitud-Dua - a small room as a particular place where Hz. Masih Mau’ud prayed. I came to Baitul-Fikr, a special historical room for writing - absolutely by Hz. Masih Mau’ud. I also visited Baitur-Riyadhah and other historical blessing rooms. Trying how solemn to pray

Monday, January 21, 2019

Qadian The Blessing Land - Hospitality (Chapter 2)

I was with the group, arrived in Qadian at 04.00 p.m... Sarae Wasim was the name of a guest house wherein we would stay. In our advent, the khuddam - the youth of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - immediately welcomed us and began to work, serving, carrying our bags to each room, and preparing for launch - that time was still in the range of launch time. Mr. Basharat called, “Please who just come, have a launch first, just be calm, your pieces of stuff are safe, insya Allah.”

We then went to go launch to some room. If I saw the floor, it was a badminton court that was established a tent on it. A boy, I guessed he was athfal - the young boy of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, - was carrying

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Qadian The Blessing Land - Arrival (Chapter 1)

Jalsa Salana Qadian is the oldest Jalsa Salana in all over the World. Jalsa Salana is an Annual Convention, held by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. 2018 was the 124th. After 2 years ago Ahmadiyya of Indonesia sent one full plane participants, this year about the 150 people landed in India, toward The Blessing Place, Qadian Darul Aman.

The Minaratul Masih in Qadian

I, together with the group, arrived in Amritsar at 11.00 a.m... That day was December, the 25th. There, Indonesian Murabbi