Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

What Nature and Music Teach Us about Peace

Once, I was 18, I wrote :

When I was a child, I felt so happy that I was born in this era. “How beautiful and peaceful it is that I live not in the past!” 'Cause my teacher taught me about history that there were many wars in the past.

My feelings changed when I grew mature. I opened my eyes against the world, saw everything that really happening. Persecutions, conflicts, clearly still happening everywhere.

This is felt very clear when an incident occurred to me. That is the time when a mosque where I usually use it to pray attacked and
destroyed. Evidently, the world is not like I imagined. "Am I still in the war?" Word "peace" is heard as a mere dream.

I asked, “why do differences create discord?” Whereas, Panorama shows its view to be learned. “How beautiful it is if the current conditions of the world are just like the view,” I said in my mind. It was full of colors, sounds, and atmosphere, that makes a harmonious view. There are many trees and flowers which soothing eyes, the breeze that swinging the trees, fresh rivers, flying birds with a chirp that sounds harmony. All complete each other, no one destroying the others. The diversity really generates harmonious and peaceful view.

Then I started to think. This is what supposed to take place in society. Diversity precisely could yield harmony and peace. But I was still asking, “why do diversity in society create discord instead?”

When I watched an orchestra concert, I found one thing. The music was very harmonious. It was a result of many different instruments. But, if an instrument just goes wrong to sound the tone, the music must be heard false. Consequently, every instrument should recognize the differences between itself and other instruments and conform by tuning the right tone. So it would create some harmonious music. This is what should be.

In reality, person to person, group to other groups, all of us need to recognize the differences between ourselves and the others and make conform to each other. As in music, the false instrument is not the one who must be removed or destroyed, but it needs to raise or reduce the pitch so it can be suitable for a peaceful life. Likewise a life, everyone not supposed to attack and destroyed each other, but we need to look for an exact decision that could keep life harmonious.

Now I understand. Peace is not merely a dream anymore, but this is reality. I won't be silenced. I can create a peaceful world. If I do not have a chance to create peace light as big as the sun, I would create it as small as a candle. It is beginning by myself. I will be a person that could recognize differences and conform with others.

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